Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Electrical Engineering Department
Universitas Surabaya

The Best Innovation of Indonesia Intelligent Robot Contest 2005

BLEDHUX is four-omni-wheeled robot, was designed to participate in the first Indonesia Intelligent Robot Contest 2005, in Expert Division. The name BLEDHUX came from word BLEDHUG, means elephant's child in Javanesse dialect in Indonesia. Rules between senior division and expert division are completely different, including changing maze at the second story from run to run. There are four taks that have to be achieved on each run, which are put out two lit candles, mark the location of baby at the second story (using beeper), and going up and down on ramp. This robot was build by Anton Mutiara, Adi Sugiarto, and Ekawahyu Susilo (as the instuctor). Their use ultrasound sensors to detect distance between robot and each four side of wall to the robot, infrared sensor to detect flame direction, UVTron to alocate flame, small water pump and hose to extinguish the fire. Three months of working in the lab was not long enough to make this robot perfectly running in the maze and complete all tasks. Anyway, here they are with all of their efforts, try to make everydays are filled by new innovation in technology.

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